Sunday, July 25, 2010


The idea for a public journal of my private thoughts was pitched by the driver of a Ford mini-van in which I sat in the backseat, bound for a Romanian village. Looking out the smudged window to a rural countryside filled with fat sheep and even fatter farmers, I thought maybe this idea could work. A blog. A internet journal where I could down my outlandish thoughts and that maybe someone would read. A space where I could write "a cherry is the classiest fruit" and a 40 year-old undergrown man from Iowa could say, "It is true! A cherry is the classiest fruit!" although I doubt that this site will get more than 5 views a year, it's worth a shot. With a world filled with "creative people" who are encouraged to outlet their "creativity" through blogs, I guess this journal is to be sucked into a giant black hole of words and images- better known as the internet. However there is hope me dear reader, that this blog could stand alone and become victorious! (That last statement conjours up images of alone revolutionary solider fighting for freedom and liberty... I digress.) In summary, there's little hope that my words here will actually be read, on the other hand, there IS a certain reassurance that a few people who find themselves on this blog might have some kicks and giggles after reading it's contents. So to you who are currently viewing this,  and is perhaps scared or excited for the upcoming posts, I say to you thank you for saving me from getting thrown away into wasted ideas and potential. (Or in "creative terms": So to you who is currently reading this, I thank you for giving me a highly advance spacesuit that allows me to have a slight chance of climbing out of this blackhole.... There's a internet metaphor for you holmes!!!) 

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