Monday, April 4, 2011

Quick Thought.

Why is it that in the past three or so decades, schools have taught students they can be whatever they "put their mind (or heart) too?" Is their any truth behind this logic? I mean I could say I want to be a astronaut, and enroll in advanced science courses, and never come an inch to actually becoming an astronaut. I almost believe that kids should be taught to know that they will become an office worker, or a teacher, or a banker... something realistic. How disappointing is it that we all have such high hopes that we will be noticed and famous when we grow up, when we really all we become is one of the masses. Imagine all the money wasted to send kids to go study musical theater, art, or music. A slim percentage of those graduates will actually be able to make a living off that, when the majority will sit in a cubical or a minivan daydreaming of fame they have always dreamt of. How bereaved and blue this world is. How harsh the cold facts of life truly are.

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