Monday, February 14, 2011

Ohhh this Modern World.

Fuck Technology. (I do apologize for the profanity and abrupt opening of this post, actually I don't, I think I well deserve using this type of beginning... I digress)But truly, fuck this modern, screwed up world!Not to be cliché, but I truly believe that early generations of the 20th century had somewhat "pleasant-er" lives.
My evidence?
(Again not to get all deep) I have recently been in the thought about all the woes of this modern age: all the tears split over faulty electronics, cyber bullying, leaking of information via internet, and etc... and I simply conclude that all these new gizmo's is making life a hell of a lot more difficult (to clarify, some aspects of life have greatly improved due to this advancement... key word here is SOME). For example, think about all those times where boredom has arisen in life- could technology suffice that time with happiness and entertainment? Well, yes. For a certain time that is, and after a few hours, the iPhone, computer, gaming system, what have you, loses its ability to keep you company, and you are left empty. Think about it: our generation is the most connected- but we are also the loneliest. Talking to someone on facebook- I do not care what the situation is- will never compare to talking to someone in person, or even on the phone for that matter.
Do not get me wrong- technology saves. Advances in all different fields have helped improve life, and even save it. I praise such technology!
Fact of that matter is, America’s want for all these new gadgets is causing not only problems on our end (faulty problems, annoyance with broken electronics, loneness, etc) but on the exporting end as well. Companies that we know and love, ones that make our heralded material possessions, are causing poverty, health issues, child labor, and etc in these third-world manufacturing countries. Corporations such as Nike, pay their workers an average of $2 day, and those wages normally provide for an entire family. So while we bitch and complain about how our $4+ latte was inadequate, people are begging on the street for even a scrap of food. And I know, I know, even in earlier decades poverty has always been prevalent, but we all should still be reminded of our immense wealth as a country, mainly to be thankful to be born in such a prosperous society. (Again cliché, but had to be said)
So how does all this connect?
Well, it mainly my points of this post it to make whoever is reading (which will probably be no one) stop and think. I know that seemingly this message has been said over, and over again: how we are such a screwed up culture, and we should take pity on those who don't have what we have. However, that is beyond the point. Truth is, those who are not exposed to this technology based society probably have a lot of aspects easier, if not immensely better. They share community, memories (face to face), and happiness.
Alright, well that concludes to my rant/venting sesh. Thanks for reading.

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